Tuesday 6 October 2009

Final Proposal

Dead Moor

The film opens with the sound of what can be connoted as pool balls being set up on a table, which is running over the top of the production logo's, the establishing shot opens with a close up on some pool balls being hit and then zooms out to show two male characters (Gary and Neil) playing a game of pool.

Gary - is an average looking male around 5 foot 10" tall, fair hair, slim not muscular dressed in a shirt and jeans
Neil - is more of a binary opposite to Gary, he's overweight and smaller wearing scruffy looking clothes.

whilst playing pool and drinking some pints, Neil persuades Gary to take a random adventure which they decide upon by randomly pointing to the map of England on the wall, they both move in closer as the camera slowly zooms in to reveal a small village surrounded by grassy moorland.

Two days later the duo turn up in the centre of the village via a bus, dressed in a poor excuse for hiking and camping gear, they begin walking up onto the moor and stop for lunch in a quiet remote old cafe, where they are warned by a supposed crazy old man than on the 10/10/10 (tomorrows date) the dead burried on an ancient beryl ground, a big attraction to the village, will come back to life, both characters look at each other strangely and whilst walking out of the cafe they begin laughing and joking about how it can't be true and that the old man must be crazy! A quick cut to a close up of some grass is then shown as a rotting hand bursts out of the ground and clenches it's fist, signifying that the dead have come back to life.

Later that evening Neil and Gary are setting up camp with a poor excuse for a tent and a small set of instructions that Neil is attempting to read whilst Gary points fun at him. After setting up the tent they both sit down and pathetically sip on orange juice cartons as Neil has forgotten to pack beer, this is shown through a mid shot of the two of them sitting sipping orange juice, (this would make a good poster or DVD box if i put a zombie in the background).

After having a conversation about Gary's and Neil's dilemmas they both fall to sleep, at this point the scene cuts away to the "crazy man" clearing up in the cafe, he hears something move outside and wary of what he told the two male characters he takes a decorative medieval sword off the wall in the cafe and slowly makes his way outside. He opens the door and walks out carefully, turning around holding the sword, he looks around and see's what looks like a log on the ground, he slowly walks over to investigate it, the camera then changes to a medium shot, showing him picking it up, he looks in disgust and slowly stands up as he realizes it's a severed arm, then over his shoulder a very tall figure that can be denoted as a zombie is stood behind him breathing heavily, it then changes to a point of view shot of the zombie as the old man slowly and terrified turns round and screams as the zombie pounces onto him and begins ripping him to shreds, the scene then cuts back to Gary and Neil asleep in the tent midway through the night, Gary then wakes up with Neil cuddling up to him, he shrugs him off and opens the tent to go pee in a bush.

After reviewing my final proposal I have decided to alter it and below is my changed idea.

The film begins with a girl running and what can be denoted as an evil character chasing her. After running for a while she trips over a rock, she quickly gets to her feet but no one is there, she then turns around to be pounced on by a hooded figure who begins eating her stomach, which is the first signifier to a zombie and creates an early preffered reading.

The scene then changes to what can be denoted as a college where four students are talking, a fourth student then joins the group and tells them that this weekend they are going on a road trip to the countryside, the four friends agree to this and decide to meet up later on that day.

Later that day the four male characters meet up at the car outside one of their houses, the four characters get in the car and being to the drive away however in the background, out of the back window of the car a man is being attacked by a hooded figure, but the four characters cannot see or hear this.

Eventually the four characters arrive at their destination and get out of the car which is shown through a shaky long shot creating the effect of a distant point of view shot. The characters remove their bags from the car and begin walking to the destination where they will set up the tent.

The scene then changes to a Forrest like area where the four characters walk back onto screen with their bags and dump them onto the floor, they then begin to set up the tent and their camp, however they make a poor attempt at it and settle for a half put-up tent hanging of a tree, later that day one of the characters begins getting what he thinks are the beers out of the rucksack, as the weekend revolves around "booze" to his annoyance and astonishment he finds a crate of calypsos instead of beer as one of his friends has accidentally packed calypsos instead of beers, it then cuts to a shot of later that night as they four characters are sat around a camp fire sipping calypsos and looking angrilly at the clumbsy character who has forgotten to pack the beers.

The scene then changes to later that night as the main male protagonist wakes up with the clumbsy character cuddling up to him, he shrugs him off and walks out of the tent. he begins peeing into a bush outside the tent, however a nearby set of bushes begin rustling he stops for a second and then continues, he hears the bushes rustle again and looks over, out of the darkness a figure appears out of them, he looks terrified but then looks again to realize it is his friend the dumb character, he laughs and they both walk back into the tent.

The next morning the three characters wake up and begin to prepare for another day of exploring, just at that moment the cocky character runs out and climbs onto a broken down tree shouting at mother nature, the other 3 characters laugh and joke about it, until he suddenly falls of the tree and impales himself on a sharp log. The three characters look in amazement at each other and argue about what they're going to do with his body, at that moment the cocky character picks himself up, in the background and begins slowly walking towards them, with blood running down his torso giving clear anchorage to the fact that he has become a zombie, the characters turn around to see this and panic, they attempt to kill him with twigs but after they do nothing they decide to run away in search of weapons.

Eventually the three remaining characters find a small shed full of spades, bats, rakes etc and so they pick them up, the main male character and the nerdy character walk out with small weak weapons, the stupid character then walks out with an axe, a large spade, metal poles etc.

Later that day the three characters come across a large hoard of zombies, they discuss how they are going to deal with them and then they decide to run out and beat them in the head, as that is what the main character/movie buff has told them is the best way to kill them, after a large fight scene the characters managed to kill all the zombies and being walking back to the car.

As the three characters are walking back in search for the car they come across three female binary opposition characters, who are popular girls from the same college, the two parties decide to team up and head for the car together.

As they are nearing the car they have to make there way through a large crater, with a tent set up in the open in the middle of it, the six characters rush towards it but when they get there they find a half eaten man lying inside it, at that point they look around the high parts of the crater to see large amount of figures running around, the six characters prepare with weapons as they believe they are zombies and they will need to kill them.

There is a large final fight scene between the six characters and the zombies where one of the girls gets killed and another male character distracts the zombies and makes them follow him as the other four characters make it safely back to the car.

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